Excerpt from research P.I. Kikilyk "On the origin, its point and space"

It should be .... especially stress can not be excluded from our lives the existence of other parallel reflections, which together forms the mechanism of time or scope of a reflection on the management of diversity chronal continuum (the temporal characteristics of hard-stabilized pulses in time), and the fact that the simultaneous presence of the subject (object) in parallel reflections. But if we assume that some brandishing on the ability to control space, then we dare to recall that space gives us the opportunity to see and distinguish objects. By studying the energy-state space (water, wind, heat, cold, terrestrial flora and fauna, human civilization, that all natural phenomena that produce energy), it is possible to conclude that it creates a space in the human brain perception of nature around us. We perceive a movable and immovable objects in the understanding and vision of how our space is. No wonder there is a saying: "One person sees a puddle in a pool, the other in the same puddle sees the sun." We sometimes see walking a couple of young people express their opinion or outrage: "That's saying that she saw in him? He monster! "Or vice versa," he see in her? They're not a couple! ". These same people see each other quite different, their intelligence, beauty and attractiveness. They seem to each other unsurpassed in beauty and appearance. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the space - a living, and it controls us in either case. And in order to manage the space, it needs to know. To know it, not as an empty space, to know him as a pantry storage that started replenished since the inception of the universe and all living things in it. Moreover, in space there are many parallel worlds with us, without knowing that we can never know until the end of the space surrounding us.
In our view, the space contains many facets and many components, including parallel worlds and other dimensions. It is them and governs. Manages all living beings that are in space and its dimensions. Manages every living creature, including humans.
For more than 60 years of scientific institutions of the Soviet Union, and not only made thousands of experiments, thus, tried to seize the opportunity to manage space and time. We must pay tribute, there are some results that will be described below. If we consider that not all the results were recorded in full, it can be assumed that only a few episodes recorded discovery while searching a place or zero points possible portals (passes) in parallel worlds.
Let's start with the fact that after a visit to the archive of the Slavic and the Patriarch of All Russia, on the personal orders of Joseph Stalin's directive was adopted for the number 07-77-C / C from 07.07.1937, the stamped top secret, which states: "... the Americans and the country surrounding the Soviet Union, began to search for cosmic portals, parallel worlds and civilizations, as well as in connection with the disappearance of people and technology ... When a service academic institutions and departments. To entrust the organization of these authorities search portals, the investigation and study of the disappearance of people and equipment throughout the Soviet Union ... ".
By 17 July 1937 Intelligence Agency in several regions of the Soviet Union created a laboratory and special units tasked with implementation of the directive of Joseph Stalin as number 07-77-C / C from 07.07.1937 year. In Moscow, gathered from all over the Soviet Union scientists, and those involved are inclined to the study of mysticism similar phenomena. By order of the Management Service employees of these organizations immediately began to fulfill their tasks. The first step of the Service was to determine the causes of extinction of Deputy Minister of the MGB, in charge of new scientific developments in the field of aircraft, tank and rocket construction. As stated, the Deputy Minister of August 10, 1937 at 23 hours 15 minutes Moscow time out of the office in the yard of the MGB. He was accompanied by the adjutant and assistant. In their eyes, before reaching the official car, he was gone. Like vaporized. The investigator interviewed the roving assistant and aide. During the interrogation intelligence officer was present. Indications and Assistant Adjutant sounded strange. They do not believe. Three days later they were shot without trial (criminal case number 21/1-1/S terminated and sent to the archive). In December 1939, the case seized security services.
Since 1937 and up to the disappearance of Joseph Stalin's political arena, office investigated 1,723 cases of disappearances and technology, including him, Stalin's mysterious death. In the aftermath of the corpse repeatedly "Stalin", located in a mausoleum, took tissue for research. None of the specific tests did not confirm that the body in the mausoleum belongs to Joseph Stalin. Head of the Special Political life repeatedly returned to the issue of the location of Stalin. Repeated studies, experiments and investigations. The materials eventually classified. In 1954, to investigate the matter of death, disappearance from the archives of intelligence disappeared without trace. There are no records in the archives of the secret services of the withdrawal or transfer of the case to someone to investigate the disappearance of Stalin's death, in the archives of the special security forces were found.
At the same time, surviving in the archives of the special materials can be seen that in each case, intelligence officers and scientists after the investigations made a record in the log of such cases. All materials are taken to a secret service archives in an abbreviated and encrypted. Cipher text surrendered himself head of intelligence, as records were made in the register of putting affairs in the archive. After the mysterious disappearance of Stalin's death-service was to self-destruct. But she, for some unknown reason, went to work.
In the Soviet Union, as well as in other countries, people and technology continued and continue to fade. In the archives of the Service left a lot of cases of missing people and technology. Some scientists came up with the idea that all the problems of disappearances associated with unidentified flying objects, or to the existence of parallel worlds and civilizations, somehow closed on the lack of knowledge of space, from the beginning and starting the zero point of its creation. To study the problem of zero had pretty dig deeper into the archives of intelligence services. The thought of having to learn zero and starting or receiving zero point with some things had to learn. It was necessary to conduct personal interviews with staff members to investigate cases of missing people and technology. In particular, studied criminal case number 323/1-S/S's disappearance, along with the car and the driver of Colonel "H". The study of the criminal case showed that at 10 o'clock 23 minutes of 23 September 1973 on the bypass road Illichevsk-Odessa, three kilometers to the sign "City of Odessa" disappeared Colonel "H" with the vehicle, the driver and documents. Colonel accompanied by three vehicles with security. One car was ahead 100 meters from the car, which followed the Colonel "H". For his motor vehicle in 50-60 meters, one after another followed by another two cars. When questioning witnesses, investigators and intelligence agencies found that a car with a driver and a colonel had disappeared at a short corner, as if evaporated. Such testimony of seven witnesses. Field visit and the search for the colonel, the driver and the car did not yield any results. On examination of the scene or a car with a driver or colonel found. Found no trace of the car to the side of the Congress. The entire investigation team Odessa garrison military prosecutor's office returned to Odessa with nothing. The military prosecutor reported to the chain of command. Within one hour on the phone from Moscow came the order: "... to stop a consequence, a field visit to classify groups. The members of the group to select the receipt of the non-disclosure of information known to them, it's immediately brought to Moscow. "
Exactly one year later to the day, on the dot in the same place disappeared military doctor of technical sciences, Academician "K". The investigation team of the Odessa garrison military prosecutor's office immediately drove to the scene and again during the inspection of the scene found nothing. The criminal case was transferred to Moscow. Then, it is, like the previous criminal case, from the archives of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office has disappeared.
A year later, presumably at the same place, disappeared ZIL 130 with thirty-three sheep in the back. The case was investigated senior investigator of the Odessa Oblast Prosecutor's Office "O". Check out the scene did not bring any results. Excited criminal case was suspended. During the week, a criminal case in connection with the special importance transferred to the Prosecutor General of the USSR. From there he was transferred to the Special Service.
Latest criminal cases occurred showed originality and confirmed that the disappearance of people and equipment to do with secrecy. Kolkhoz sheep could not be the subject of research aliens. As can be seen from the analysis of the criminal cases, the problem of the disappearance of people and technology is completely different.
After the case was removed from the prosecutors and strictly secret, the command was given to scientists lab security services for this place to monitor. Special devices have been installed, which should fix these anomalies. Three years of data have brought nothing. The disappearance of people and equipment on the site ceased. They have appeared elsewhere and on other continents.
September 23, 1978 disappeared en route by car with her villa in Chita, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician "C". Members of the investigative group of the Chita Oblast Prosecutor's Office went to the scene. The study of all routes are and the adjacent territory has not brought anything. Neither the car nor the academic body is not found. Situation reports were sent to the missing car, which indicated the immediate installation location of stolen vehicles. It has been two months. The search for the missing car failed. Prosecutor reported to the Attorney General of the USSR. The same day, officers arrived from Moscow Investigation Department of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office for special cases. They are among those who left the scene confiscated receipts to disclose information which they become known. Regional prosecutor removed from office. The search for the missing car was stopped. The criminal case was taken away from him.
September 23, 1979 on the same course with the vehicle disappeared police Major "F". Case dismissed for lack of evidence of the crime and sent to the Investigation Department of the Chief Military Prosecutor's Office.
September 23, 1980 at 10 hours and 20 minutes on one of the ranges of the USSR, the test of the T-10-M in front of witnesses, he disappeared along with the mechanic a test. Military prosecutor opened a criminal investigation into the theft of the tank. Two days later discontinued. The matter secret. Transferred to the Main Military Prosecutor's Office of the General Prosecutor's Office of the USSR.
Date September 23 alarmed scientists and intelligence personnel. In this regard, on the orders of the head of a department of special services for the study of numerology, including the figure of 23. The study of the figures given nothing. It was all about, as we see from the materials, not in the numbers. By studying the numbers and going to 10, once it was clear. But when it comes to zero out all the stops. Scientists have come to a standstill. Some began to joke and what we say, look, I'm yedinichku, my wife toe, and together we are the ten. And suddenly, one of those present mathematicians was taken aback and said, "No, you wait, the ten, not two or three, a dozen? '. After this seemingly ordinary conversation, to the study of numbers and numerology were attracted eminent mathematicians and physicists. Examined thousands of different assumptions about the origin, its significance and its unraveling. But the causal connection with the disappearance of people and vehicles could not find.
Cases of disappearance of people and equipment continued to occur, and even more frequent, especially in the vicinity of Pavlodar, Moscow, Kiev, Sverdlovsk, Arzamas, Perm, Tomsk. At the same time, this issue was one oddity: Why do not people disappear around the spaceport? The answer to this question has not yet been found. And the disappearance of people and technology, and continues to this day. More and more doctors ascertain the appearance of people who have disabled memory. They do not know his name, surname, place of birth, do not remember their relatives and friends. Many remain unidentified and unknown.
In the investigation and study of the individual materials of criminal cases that have been preserved in spetsarhivah, it was found that the disappearance of people and technology suggests that close to us, there are many civilizations, but they are in other dimensions that are in the same space with us . In the words of the greatest scientist by the name of "M", "... all our scientific problem of physiological, chemical and mathematical properties of the space will constantly hang back to zero. If it is decrypted zero problems will go away by themselves, but may occur more complex problems, the problems of human existence on the planet itself ... ".
Today, the disappearance of people has become the norm, and it will surprise nobody. But there are issues that are particularly interested in the scientists of the world. This is the space portals and parallel worlds. Over the last decade of the last century in the field of scientific intelligence during the years 1979-1984 at one of Plains Intermountain Ural Mountains, near which is the picturesque village under the code name "C" disappeared without a trace three men. In particular, Sept. 13 about 10 hours of the day disappeared five sheep with a shepherd. By evening the wife of the missing shepherd sounded the alarm. Residents of the village rushed to the search. Ran to the place of pasture. Passing through it, lost another resident of the village in front of one of the residents, who was walking with other people. The man, who was watching the scene disappearance of his neighbor, at first did not understand what happened. He came to himself, began to question walking beside his neighbor, have you seen the one that disappeared as a citizen of the "M". He scoffed at him and said that he had delirium tremens. Earlier this witness was dismissed from the internal affairs of alcohol abuse. By searching the darkness ceased.
A week passed, and the missing citizens do not come back. Their families said the police. There react to this with sarcasm, saying, washed down, propyutsya, will return home. On the second day, just in case, a criminal case, and the next day investigation into the case was suspended. Then the excited case was closed for lack of evidence of a crime. In this investigation referred to the absence of corpses and traces of the offense. Everything is logical, but if after a year, that is 23 September 1984 at the same place but disappeared Air Force Colonel "E", who had come to visit relatives. He served the "Baikonur" cosmodrome. It was very interesting for scientists secret service. Specialists in learning portals special laboratory immediately connected to the study of this area. When questioning a witness, he pointed out the place where was the disappearance of citizens of the village and the officer. The area was cordoned off and fenced under the guise of geological sites. Have been producing various studies. During the two days was found point from which visible portal to a parallel world. By on the other side of the portal flashed some dark figure. Space for them in sight. The portal is only viewed clot darkness, against which flashed some strange silhouettes. But all who stood on viewing point, felt very anxious and incomprehensible cool, alternating with heat from the body tingling. And the coolness and warmth permeated the body like needles. Man goes hot and cold sweats.
At this place were invited renowned astrologer "P", "clairvoyant" "K" and the two biggest psychic "K" and "L". As a result, it became clear: the portal is an unidentified energy. Instruments recorded both positive and negative of its properties. They acted differently, and different working on this or that point. At the same time the portal was viewed not understandable human perception range of colors. It does not invest in the range of our civilization, that is, the colors do not fit in with our red, orange, green and other colors of the spectrum, and went beyond it. Cameras range of the portal did not catch, but caught and camcorders. Temperature, marching from the portal, not fixed by our devices. At a distance of 3 meters appliances fixed temperature difference. If a distance of one and a half meters from the portal unit of heat measurement showed plus 11 degrees Celsius, then at a distance of 4 meters the same device fixed temperature of plus 23 degrees Celsius. Instruments measuring magnetic fields and waves, gravity, radiation, air humidity, air pressure, wind, temperature, heat near the portal at a distance of 1 meter nothing fixed. They shut down (experiment number 26-S/07-0-13).
With the help of an astrologer and psychic brought instruments recorded five energy flows (experiment number 26-S/07-1-13). None of them could determine their composition. One of the psychics found that the portal is a strong energy ravages, because he had a weird fear, as he put it, "spiritual understanding." In intervened Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the "T," which examined the system of directional and concentrated energy of people living organisms on the Tesla system. They found that negative energy portals of parallel worlds and human energy is concentrated evil were sent to the area of Stony Tunguska River in East Siberia, which later became known as the phenomenon of "Tunguska meteorite". Academician of the "T" at the time reported head of the science department of the Central Committee of the CPSU on the experiments Tesla. There's just a good laugh. The scientist stopped studying causes of the crash of the Tunguska meteorite.
Opening of the academic "T" and the readings securing energy flows from the portal, prompted a group of scientists in search of a more accurate zero point from which you can get into a parallel world (experiment 26-S/07-1-14). This point has been found. Immediately began to prepare people wanting to visit a parallel world through the open portal. After three days, twenty-nine-year-astrologer "and" agreed to enter into the portal. Instructing him, putting him on a special suit, providing a variety of devices, including electronic communication devices, he went toward the portal. On the way, he lost sight of the portal. I had to go back to the starting point (experiment number 26-S/07-1-15). And so it happened two days. By 17 o'clock local time on the third day of "I" was the portal and disappeared. By agreement he had to immediately return back. It took ten minutes. "I" did not return. Waited another day. To no avail. Suddenly, among the newly arrived scientists found another one wanting to go into the portal by the name "C". Instructed, armed with all the latest communication devices, and other electronic measuring instruments. On the ninth attempt, he passed through the portal (experiment number 26-S/07-16). Expectations of return were unsuccessful. It took another three days. News from the "C" and "I" had been received. Devices did not show anything. Within a month, the portal went 7 people, and none of them came back (experiment 26-S/07-17.18.19). It took 23 days. Devices silent. Because of these losses further tests were ordered to stop. The zero point is fixed on a special card with the designation of a landmark in the area. In different places and disguised installed a variety of electronic devices, which may at any time submit to the central unit of research information. Quarterly on the place comes a group of scientists conducting experiments in the entrance portal. All attempts in vain. Portal disappeared along with people.
Thus was established, and then lost the zero point of penetration into the portal parallel civilization. Materials were ordered to keep secret experiments, participants select receipts to ban the disclosure and production experiments.
Beginning in 1973, found 133 Portal parallel worlds. Of these 80 portals have almost the same energy and other energy-components. 26 portals range of colors do not like each other. Establish their difference today is not possible. 23 Portal have different input parameters, 3 portal on the parameters input are minor differences, but different from others. In 133 the portal took 132 people, including 76 people under arms in the form of tattoos have a phone number which, in the event of their return, and can be contacted to report the existence of such a person.
However, due to the above listed experiments, scientists, intelligence services continue to be studied all the facts related to the study of zero points due to the portals in search of a definition of zero and action and its terms. For this purpose, began to study all located around a person, including and surrounding household items. Many of us imagine that our real estate that surrounds us, is not alive. This is an error in human thought, for in all that surrounds us, moving atoms and molecules, and that this or that object is silent and does not move, it does not mean that he does not understand us and we do not talk. Such a false representation does not increase our knowledge. To this we shall return, but for now let's talk about how you can manage the processes available to man, but only those that he knew perfectly.
Take the question of penetration of information in the form of a greater number of reflections, that is our vision, perceiving eyes, feelings, hunches, subconscious mind, that is a system that accumulates in the brain. This may be in the integrity or parts reinforcing charism which is formed appear beyond the reflection of the individual. The main role in this is the space that is presented to us in our minds every second surprises, over which we think all of our adult life. The mechanism of formation of charisma, which controls the subconscious and consciousness of individuals is fundamentally different from the mechanism of the time, but the foundation or its elements can be the same. Charisma, as the time is present equally in a certain set of reflections and it's not the only coincidence. Charisma - a collection of information and intelligence of many reflections, that there is a certain part of the chronal continuum.
Any event in the reflection (beginning and end) is in its individuals. He is the owner of all of fullness, and he has power over time. The length of time for each individual material body has its own. Its dimension. But in any of the subjective reflections of people ghost length (dimension) filling will be the same, that reflect the individual, that is, it is transferred to the universe of his reflection.
Mechanism of time, as we know, is formed not only a reflection of the individual, whose dimension we are considering, but in general chronal continuum (continuum - a continuous set, for example - numbers). Time and space govern the entire set of possible reflections. This is a passenger and ship. Wherever he was moving on the passenger deck, the ship carrying him on a course of its movement in the same direction. But if you can leave the ship and sail to the other side, the chronal continuum can not leave, because, while on earth, we can not go along with it in the universe. But the ship - not a planet. It can be controlled. How to manage chronal continuum? (Continuum is a continuous set of all points in the Euclidean space). The coincidence of our reflections - this is reality. The ability to control chronal continuum: a coincidence of our aspirations, vector paths from image to reality. Perhaps, if this compare our reflection in the mirror.
Real time control is possible through artificial charisma, which makes it actually possible to manage and control it becomes a matter of convention, since aging is a process of reflection on the effects of age of the individual. Charisma aging is the same, but the total reflection of individuals (chronal part of the continuum). Dimension of aging depends on the duration of the temporal effects (irregular intervals of temperature effects on the body and its velocity) or a natural biological process control. Age charisma, that is, the dimension of the artificial control of the aging process, it can realize a sustainable resistance. For example, the creation of autonomous communities reflections of age, without any interaction with other communities of other dimensions. (Experiment № 427/16.07.). The division of humanity into self-contained closed-dimensionality, according to preliminary estimates, will increase the average life expectancy of 200 years. And if you remove the memory of the man and his real life conventional concept of "years", the person stops thinking about his age. His energy and gray matter of the brain, which he spends on the age calculation, will focus on other vital processes of his body. The brain itself stops pumping age energy, thus will not give signals to the brain and guide the process of acceleration of aging. It automatically forget about his age, and slow down the aging process. At the same time, the age charisma somehow violates the mechanism of the time, a reflection of the individual manager. Events are stretched in real time period, creating a stretching dimension (dimension). As much as people might, and whatever did research charisma of immortality, which is the process of aging with the infinite dimension, that is dimensionless, or charisma of his youth, when this process fits all overpower the biological process. But then begs the next unexplored question of how this will be reflected in the biological age? No, not the time, and biological. Time for some period can be stopped. Fly off into space and stay in it ten Earth years. Ten years of the earth will be one year in space. Suppose that in this case we will reduce time on earth for nine years. But as soon as people return from space, the biological process is restored, as laid down in the human memory of the Earth, its space and water, and biological processes are restored, there may remain a person's appearance. A human organism subjected to aging. And when you consider that the universe and the planet Earth codenamed no time, and if we exclude the person from the memory of the concept of time, the time constraints may be gone in the past. But in this case we can not exclude the biological life cycles. She is in cycles: spring, summer, autumn, winter. Again, spring, that is, the planet moves closer to the sun, resulting in increased temperature of the planet and its near-Earth space. In this case, the heat speeds up the process of biological aging. That is cyclical (time) in the world is created by the movement of the planets around the sun, as well as the rotation of the balls around the core of the planet. Laps around the sun in people's lives for the most convenient communication between them on Earth came to be called conventionally year. Hence the code name year, in fact, like the establishment of the time of day, ie, "night" means the period of the completion of a circle around its own axis, which is also arbitrary, since, in the full sense, the axis is part of the mechanism in which it is incorporated. The rotation of the planet is the result of its motion in the universe for less resistance and its flight through a vortex is created by the energy of volcanoes occurring on Mars and other planets. And to balance its flight, the development and improvement of the planet, its structure and energetics supports core, code-named magma and 18 balls which in its shell holes are contributing to the accumulation of heat in the beginning, but in the case of oversupply, the exhaust valves are heat red-hot magma.
Thus, we can conclude that in the period between the balls of their rotation accumulates all the positive energy of the planet, the excess is exchanged with the universe. The reason for the excess of energy - by analogy with the effect of microwave. In this case, the Sun is the source of energy, and the Moon, which is the constant companion of the planet, is a reflector of the sun and its energy. The earth is the object of heating. Thus, we can provisionally come to the conclusion that the planet itself, the solar system, the local galaxy and the entire universe as a whole are in the form of balls, that is, the form of zero, and the magma is the point, that is the center of the Earth, and the place from which all the threads of connection other planets, worlds, and the universe ...
Finally, we come to the concept of day. The planet rotates by virtue of its motion in the universe, and its rotation as it reduces the outer friction during its motion in a circle around the sun. Light day means that part of the Earth is affected by the sun's rays. Completing the circle, we have the end of the day, that is, the Earth turns on its one side of the Sun, the second to the Sun, then twilight, the beginning of the night, the darkness, the night, the middle of the night, which means that the earth is exactly in the middle of the rotation in motion in the outer vortex flow. And again it is conditional, or a mid-term convention, since we can not determine its exact middle. And yet, the earth continues its rotation, that is, continues to fly in the universe and how it would be uneven, mountains, forests, etc., to serve as a land sail during the flight. In fact, the Earth is in a vortex of wind Galaxy. These vortices can be compared with the gyres in the water. The land, once in the circular flow of cosmic wind, being in his jet, apparently, so moving in this thread and in the desired direction. However, changing the direction of flow can occur galactic disaster followed disaster in the entire universe. But back to the point of reference, that is, to zero, which indicates its content about a border state. Again convention, especially during night time. In this situation it is difficult to find a border state, which starts from zero or from his point of reference, that is, on the planet comes the dawn. Dispel the darkness comes, finally, the onset of each day. Again, the problem with the timer starts from zero, or a point. Zero, as it is known, is a point of reference, but from where it originates and where to end, it is not. This zero point of reference, which also can not be accurately calculated. In science, the question has not been studied accurately determine the onset of night and day, day and night, that is, to put a human adopted the language of the border. We do this calculation, but it actually is conditional, as is conventional time itself. The man, with his current developments, unable to pinpoint the origin of zero, or, conversely, to zero. At the same time, science is known that when the zero begin to compress, then the process typically narrows to a zero point. Conversely, extending the point, we come to zero. As you can see, this process has no beginning and no end, and can be defined as an endless. Because of this, zero can be called a symbol of eternity, and the number 8 in science is defined as a symbol of infinity. Thus, we have two congruent with the notation, it is eternity and infinity. If infinity is not burdened by start point and end point, because it has two principles - right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and so on. That zero burdened this point. After all, this is the point from which the directions are billions and as returns, as well as billions of samples. And then the next question is, zero - this unit or unit of reference? If it is a border state, that, therefore, it can be defined as a boundary mark. But, reasoning logically, then mete to zero is not suitable. We think that this is the point from which something originates, as well as, among other things, the end point. But this is just a guess, that is a scientific hypothesis, not more, for the precise understanding of zero, its location, and it is relative to something impossible. Zero indicates both the beginning and the end of something, something. Perhaps in nature all the way around. Zero represents the infinity of something something. Zero is used in mathematics, physics, and indeed in all the sciences, is now known to mankind. Perhaps, zero is the place where the Creator, that is, God. Perhaps zero and its starting point is that by which the universe is governed. And so it is possible to come to the assumption that the meaning and content of zero point and there is a divine power, the power of the universe, the power of all living creatures, including humans.
But the powers that be can not calm down. They seek to recover a variety of methods undivided and unlimited power over the world. Zero point and nothing to them. They are this phenomenon is not paying attention. They are looking for a system that, in their view, can bring stone "Sarina", which allegedly incorporated information about the past and the future. They are looking for the writings and objects of knowledge 108th civilization of pre-existing, who knew the secret of splitting the atom, looking portals of information fields of the universe, which give unlimited power over the world, the hollow portion of the Earth, the occult sciences and their impact on the human brain, the Tibetan "Shambhala" and so on. By order of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, Ernst Schaefer, Victor Schauberger Alexander Barchenko, Wolf Messing (the origin of the word messiah) Mirkel Isaac, Moses Neumann and many others involved in these searches. Information about the last two scientists until now strictly confidential as their teachings are based on the teachings of Tesla, W. and A. Behterava Chizhevskogo. Russian scientist Filippov on the basis of the science of the brain and its ability to create a "repeater". With it showed the possibility of the concentration of human energy and the negative energy of the portal parallel civilization purposeful action, capable of destroying large areas (Tunguska). I venture to remind you that for these purposes in the Soviet Union, 11 November 1929, Stalin created a special political service (Council of People's Commissars number 1-C from 11.11.1929, under the classified Top Secret), which was mandated for effects on the human brain and learning unidentified phenomena in nature. In this case, were classified (and not only in the Soviet Union, the United States and in other countries) all the knowledge about unidentified flying objects. In the end, found it necessary to study the esoteric characters. Tibetan monks pointedly silent. They do possess some knowledge, but not enough of them to completely own and control the world. But if they possessed such knowledge, among them, there would be a monk, who would become the ruler of the world. But while this knowledge they do not possess, and there is no monk. As we can see, in order to seize absolute power over the world and nature, the rulers of all measures are taken. And all this for the sake of unlimited power over the world, and as we can see, the search does not succeed, for it is, in our opinion, is covered in a strange and a meaningless zero, which for them is the only border state of pluses and minuses.
Going back to zero, we can assume that at zero lies not perceived by the human brain is incredible energy information component, and with the help of which the universe was created and our planet, with which the Creator has absolute power in the universe and the world and in the name of peace, of prosperity . A man of such power will never reach, if only because of the fact that he wants to take possession of this power only for their own purposes. In the end, the truth of the ground, apparently, a man not to install, because the idea of the Creator who created the universe, the earth, planets and living beings are not given that opportunity. It is possible that if a person knows the truth zero, he immediately finds its end, perhaps irretrievable destruction and disappearance of the Universe. And here again the question arises: Is it true that the universe does not disappear? Apparently not, because in terms of the content of zero and laid something else ...
Let's go back to being able to control time. Can they really control? If you say yes, then it will eventually not be true. Although there are prerequisites to consider the possibility of time management as a reality. And this oddity can be annoying amateurs in modern physics and other sciences. But whether they like it or not, time management is quite real! But many "NO". Let's go back to the commonplace. For example, we fly from Yekaterinburg to Moscow at 7 am in the Ural time. At the same time, flew to Moscow. Times have changed? No. On the plane, we have overcome a distance and space. Caught up with the night or the place in which the Earth's rotation around its own axis relative to the sun, that is, to the darkness. The plane flies along with the planet and its near-Earth space in the universe, but the plane as it is ahead of the rate of rotation about the axis of the Earth. While in the near-Earth space, that is in the air, where there are no obstacles. Here there are less dense flow of energy emitted by the planet, humans and other creatures. At this time, the person is asleep. His energy, which, in our opinion, the most destructive in the universe is in a state of rest. The energy flux density is the lowest. At the same time energy is almost no human immunity. It would seem, what does human energy to the space and time? Disconnecting them from each other, you can get in an awkward position, because energy is closely related to human time. Time of rest and wakefulness are filling their energy. During wakefulness person emits strong energy, especially energy increases evil, as people are communicating with each other, not always in a balanced state. At this time, the person is more difficult to influence through space. Everyone already knows that science labs United States, the former Soviet Union and other countries have developed a system able to control people's dreams. Of these theories, which were confirmed by experiments, it is clear that it does best in a time zone that is in finding a man in the air, where the conditional hour stays. That is, when a person moves around the planet along with the planet. For a man in flight, time stops, and it is a point in time, that is at zero. Son of man also is nolevoy point. For sleeping man while stopped. He froze in his sleep, that is stopped moving. This condition can be evaluated as nolevoe. A planet at this time continues to fly. Waking up, the person starts to move. The time when he got to his feet and took the first step, that is, the place from which he began to move, and there is a place that is the zero point from which he started his movement. During sleep, the person remains in the same position. This means that at this time it is in one place and does not interfere with impact through space on his brain, his subconscious mind because it is off sleep. We can only subconscious, that is, the area around the location of the person. But in view of the circumstances, he is not moving around it are immovable objects, to protect it from the elements, which are also not moving, they are easier to preodolevat.To have the energy component, which is aimed at bedtime on the brain, the human brain at no obstacles more easily accept the suggestion. This means that the directed energy information without undue effort freely traverses the objects that are obstacles in the way energy flows to the person and the nature of the different instruments. At this time, we inspire him through space, for example, the need to vote for a particular candidate. It is not specified a name. (A dream inspires him only an image of the proposed candidate.) Imagine a situation when this feature is in the hands of politicians. Is there any guarantee that a politician able to properly employ a truly fantastic opportunity to manage people?
Responsibility for the content of their character and emotional and mental activity, its ethical orientation - that, first of all, must distinguish the genuine policy. Policies of the new formation should always be aware of the possibility of direct effects of the mind on the matter, the thought processes of information on the reality and be ready for the full responsibility for the consequences of such exposure. If it is exposed, not in words but in deeds progressive westernization (Western glorification of the first settlers of the American continent, more precisely - the suggestion of their activities) that I would like it or not, change its mentality, relegating spirituality to reduced intelligence, that is, it turns the idea of just a tool to achieve certainty "embodied happiness." What happens in this case? On the horizon of Russian politics appears next "star", in fact, does not stand out among the others and represents a new type for us civilized Western-style politician who based his life is simple, not to say primitive. For political liderstvovanie for it is in fact only one thing: stay ahead of others in their quest for power. And here again there is a point of reference, that is extended to the point of zero. When it come from? Can a politician to grab a starting point? ... Of course, it can. But in politics and in life happens in different ways. If a person is very bad time, he is waiting for the end of a bad life, whatever it is over. Thus, we come to the conclusion: "Better a horrible end than an endless horror." In ethanol it does not, because, as if that did not happen, it has a beginning and an end. Our task is to find the happy part of the beginning or the end of the happy part, thus avoiding the endless horror ...
Peter Kikilyk.
December 2001,