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Nekrasov S.N., director of the Project and the Institute for Futures Studies phenomena , Ph.D.
Kikilyk P.I., head of the International Board of the Information Law and futurological agency , the writer - journalist
The other day , our correspondent , the representative of the Schiller Institute in Russia Rachel Douglas gave us a proclamation H. Zepp- LaRouche, the UN General Assembly . This it is an awareness of the global community of humanistic perspectives of Eurasia as a geographic, historical and geopolitical center of human civilization . This significant statement of the problem requires us to make a countermove - voice discourse on the historic mission , the essence of the Russian people as the core of the Eurasian peoples. Not only
But let us turn first to the appeal of Helga Zepp- LaRouche , the president of the Schiller Institute , read by its September 25, 2013 ;
"... It is no secret that the global economic order is designed so that a very small number of people wallowing in luxury , a small percentage have the means for a decent life , and the vast majority languishing in inhuman poverty , which has an" hidden euthanasia "in the words of Pope Francis. Few people know that just a few weeks ago, humanity stood literally on the verge of death in a thermonuclear war , which would be a consequence of the bombing of Syria.
Both these dangers are threatening the very existence of man and are the result of economic globalization, where "anonymous decision" made ??by high-ranking officials , sacrifice mammon and human dignity , and his life .
Diplomatic initiatives in connection with Syria offer hope that the regional and world war has so far been avoided. But to prevent the war - it was good , but not enough. Man , as a species , to the future , we need a real prospect of peace and a completely new organization relationship, forever precluding settlement of disputes by force. We need common goals for humanity.
Is it not in the interests of all people on the planet as soon as possible to find the solution to the problems of energy sources and raw materials , and thus solve the problem of hunger and war ? Is it not in the interest of the people to storm fusion , as it was with the " Manhattan Project ", when during the Second World War, developed the atomic bomb ? Only now it is necessary for peaceful purposes for the benefit of all mankind.
It is time to return to the agenda of the legitimate demands of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries on equitable economic order . This order can begin to build a supply of Xi Jinping at the last conference of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to establish a new Silk Road as a basis for peaceful cooperation between all the countries through which this route will pass . This idea is completely harmonious offer the Schiller Institute, the construction of the Eurasian Land-Bridge , after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 .
If the countries of the world, members of the UN General Assembly, will replace the immoral and unfair globalization of world order in which the sovereign states will be able in the tradition of John Quincy Adams to cooperate in the common interest of mankind , we have deliberately open a new chapter of the evolution of civilization ...
... We are the only creatures on the planet, capable of improving their living conditions through scientific and technological innovation , enhance the level and duration of life. And we are the only creatures able to accurately count the steps in the knowledge of the physical order of the universe to maintain our existence as a species in the universe .
Earth - not a closed system entropy with limited resources. Our solar system and our galaxy - only a tiny part of the universe , developing anti-entropic . The miracle of the universe is that there is harmony between the laws of the macrocosm - the universe and the microcosm - our creative mind , which is manifested in the physical power of our intangible ideas.
Today, most need the love of humanity , fearless vision of the future - look cosmonauts or astronauts who see no boundaries in the world , but all of humanity - and the stars.
Friedrich Schiller expressed it in verse, and Ludwig van Beethoven 's 9th Symphony transcribed these poems to music :
"People - brothers among themselves ...
Merge into one of joy !
There, above the starry country -
God , in love transubstantiation ! "
Wistful humanity need courageous leaders who will lead mankind from death and will show a better future that is realistic . "
This was recently in an interview said , and Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a Valdai. He focused the world's attention on the issues and causes that give rise to international terrorism and other political upheavals . In particular, he voiced the problem incredible difference in the planet's life-support .
Where to go even further , if such a person with a planetary fame as the President of the Great Powers of the Russian V. Putin, who is concerned about the situation on the planet?
As long as we are talking about a new world order of the planet, so it begs the question: where is now focused this collective global leader ?
In our view, such a world - leader in the collective Messiah was the people of Eurasia, the roots of which lie in the land of Slavic . And, of course , the descendants of the people grew and settled all over the world. It is the land of the former Russian Empire, its resources, water and air are laid in memory of the descendants of their best features and quality . At the same time, we know from history that the first coming of the Messiah , the people took place in 1905-1907, . , The second - in February 1917 and the final blow of the people , the Messiah took place in October 1917 , when it was overthrown by the power crazed king for his cruelty monsters , who called himself God's anointed . Their brutality and violence pushed the people to the Russian armed uprising . Today , the followers of violent revolutionaries like to blame the fact that they gave themselves the financial bosses of Germany and other countries whose money and revolution occurred . Yes, of course , the revolution was made for the money of unknown clans in Europe, but none of the historians of the present day do not take into account that the main cause of revolution served as the cruel exploitation of the people inhabiting the Russian Empire , and that the energy- energy component overflowing of evil and disobedience , which radiated people exploited monsters from tsarist.
VV Putin, like no one else noticed this evolving situation in the world. He refers to the powers that be of this world with a request to reduce the ardor of savings and the exploitation of man and of humanity as a whole. Apparently , the President of Russia is dedicated to the problem of the existence of negative energy storage in space and in the water. Therefore, Vladimir Putin said that the world today is forcibly divided into the haves and the poor . That by itself is a negative energy emitted by the poor , which accumulates in space. Because of this, the space and the people there is the fear that in the X hour this negative energy can explode , as happened in 1917 During the Civil War, the role of the people of the world has become a messiah , and on the ruins of the royal cruel empire reigned in the Soviet Union , which was the first in the history of experience in creating the country - the community in which socialism was the transition to a civilized community. The main thing in this - re -generation of its purification from evils era rule of the exploiters , the hope for a transition from the " Era of Disunity " ( ERM ) , from the " dark ages of pre-history of mankind " to his true story (the terms IA Efremov ) . However, as is well known, due to the coming to power of " the cook and the security officer in a black leather jacket , uneducated former criminal " in the country has developed a system of state socialism and totalitarianism , in which the state is to subdue the "living creativity of the masses ." The Soviet Union on the international stage came as a missionary of the world, but in the country the picture was different . During the Second World War, the peoples of the USSR liberated the world from the German parasitic classes , dressed in the most brutal form of violence - Fascism and the global division of the world . But after the war, disease greatness of force and the right to abuse sick many rulers of countries , but not earth -born Russian who made a peaceful challenge to the West on behalf of the countries of the Messiah.
Because of the contradictions of state socialism was the defeat of the global public- community system. Western politicians are up in arms against all the forces on the world's first country of the Messiah . The country began to develop hypocrisy , bigotry , which reached to the formation of the middle class "fifth column." Jesus cast out of the churches of the Pharisees , trying to save them from the evils , but the Pharisees have won - like " the process has begun ," and in the Soviet Union during perestroika , when democracy and wild oligarchism formed of criminals and the dregs of society united as hidden forms of power and exploitation of workers. Oliharhizma became the victim of a democratic Russia , whose citizens were subjected to a rapid degeneration against the treachery and betrayal of the so-called elite criminals involving drunken and criminal authorities . That is, the post-revolutionary changes in 1917 as the most deadly infection spread to the years of Gorbachev's perestroika. While the international community for not felt it myself , but in the coming years, the nations of the planet will understand what happened to the Soviet Union , with Russia and there is a fear that the infection in 1917 could hit all the congregation of the planet , for that energy- component has not disappeared , it just temporarily lain down and waits in the wings. Apparently , the President of Russia has realized the danger.
Considering the recent political developments in the global economic crisis , it is possible to conclude that the peoples of the world are feeling the discontent spread of pathogenic infection , as indicated by the self - Appeal H. Zepp- LaRouche, the UN General Assembly .
Obviously, we are not talking about messianism , but about the transformation of the world on the basis of ethnic specialization, and new dynamics of Chinese, European and American maksietnosov . Yes, in the land of Slavic , now called Russia , seventy percent of the mineral resources in the hands of the " Russian ", part of which is composed of criminals , which suggests that Russia is a Pandora's box for the world - Russia , together with the Grand Hailing the Rothschilds and the other not less important genera are able to influence all areas of the world and to build on this foundation his big project , project of the World Government . Second Union, which will be equal to the entire planet and the Union will not be like the first. It will be built on the spirit of the revolution and the descendants of immigrants from the Slavic lands and technical upgrading of industry, psychology and minds of mankind. Market, its market economy , as a symbol of world weariness , will remain in the past. It allows us to talk about the feasibility of such projects as the change of power not only in Russia but also in the world as a whole , or rather , the hope for change in government - both top and bottom.
Unfortunately, began to soar in the air the idea of ??" take and share " to start a new state and industrial construction is now becoming widespread.
Thus, we see that is not born a new ideology of messianic descendants of Slavs and born in the land of Slavic , and vice versa - the messiah of destruction. This ideology does not match the intentions of the humanization of Eurasia, expressed as a set of papers of the Schiller Institute of Science and Art . Most clearly this common spontaneous , destructive "popular" ideology expressed in his " sermon " Russian writer EV Lemons. But all goes to the fact that now the existing regimes will fall , and the people's wave will sweep and wash them as outdoor dust and dirt.
"Teaching " EV Limonov on 29 September 2013 called symptomatic: " Ideologically opposed to Putin's ranks only NBP ":
" Who's the super-rich in the country ? Either the former Soviet nomenklatura , so was , for example , the first head of Gazprom, and before that - the Soviet gas industry minister Viktor Chernomyrdin , now deceased , and here's another glaring example - surviving owner of Lukoil's Alekperov was vice - minister of the oil and gas industry. Or are former black-marketeers , as the owner of Alfa Group , Mr. Friedman, or engaged in " Varenko " ( dyed denim ) Mr. Prokhorov bruiser ... ". Perhaps this is nonsense , but nonsense has already been issued to the space that absorbs all the sand as the water. There is an accumulation of negative charge , which is about to explode and can shoot if you do not explain the position you have taken today Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Rothschilds .
Next, the leader of the National Bolshevik leader and continues: " ... state propaganda assures us that the super-rich supposedly " create jobs " and investing in general good for the economy . In our opinion , it is disreputable people . We do not believe in their usefulness , we see the greedy rich idlers international scale. They buy real estate in Europe and America, there are trafficked capital and even despise you and me. They would take place in the prison , that's what. We are able to create jobs and invest our capital ...
God Himself tells him they take and share ... ".
And, indeed , the people of Russia muffled murmur on a truly blatant inequality in the country " , as indicated by the VV Putin . "But twenty years, no one is doing anything . Did not put up with this yoke of the super-rich , but at weaning wealth so long and did not dare.
NBP raised the topic of " take and share " , decided to revise the results of privatization . Neither the left-most partiyka to " take and share ! " persists, although it would seem : they are the cards . Babble just shy of the desired freeze utility rates it! But it's miserable and slavish desire. It is necessary to take away everything, and did not ask for handouts - so says E.V.Limonov
"We say with confidence : Russian super-rich do not need, we are nationalizing their wealth , the party of the" Other Russia " , once in power , will change the political system , liberal capitalism will no longer be national socialism by type of modern leftist regimes in Latin America , only better. On essentially ideologically Putin's regime in Russia are opposed only NBP . Navalny and his hamster suit super-rich , they are never given a hint on the subject. "
The political pot , boil the new bourgeois revolution in Russia , did not work in Moscow. But the boiler began to operate on September 8 in Yekaterinburg.
And in September Moscow was as follows:
" We rode a bike bears "
And behind them cat
Who bears the election - is understandable. Cat backwards - Bulk with meaningful name. If you replace one letter , as does Limonov , it will be Sassy , who in an interview with AA Prokhanov reports that he would be " a cat " gently break the system. And do not say that he would give the people instead!
Behind him gnats
On a balloon .
And behind them crayfish
A lame dog.
But the other criminal elements . And , as we see , light and small gnats kusuchie - Democrats , human rights activists , the children of the first person Yeltsin era of all kinds. They were blown away to the point that the worst of them are the successor to Yeltsin - Boris Nemtsov - rolled right up to an MP of the Yaroslavl City Council ...
Cancers on the lame dogs (" lame ducks ") - this is an old systemic opposition , ugrevshayasya in the pores of an authoritarian regime - the Communist Party , the Liberal Democratic Party , CP
Wolves on the mare .
Lions in the car.
In the tram .
Toad on a broomstick ...
These wolves - the oligarchs - can only be chicken on the mare remains public property and public procurement .
Lions - the bankers , the masters of life, which still can not call to order the President and the Rothschilds . That is why the Lions with mosquitoes do not want to create a World Government , because they do not like the control of the people and the Planetary Government. And Vladimir Putin everyone is aware of this , for this newly formed criminal elite in every way prevents the independence of the President of Russia . These lions are hanging on his feet as weight !
On a broom can be planted just like Valeria Ilinichny hysterical .
The people , therefore, are not yet in full-scale appeared on the front of the stage of Russian history. He is also a class in itself , not a class for itself , saying philosophical language .
They're coming ... and laugh
Spice- chew .
Suddenly out of the gate
Ta-ra -kan ! Cockroach ... !
He growls and screams ,
"Wait , do not rush
I 'll swallow you in a flash !
Swallow , swallow , have pity "
It is clear that the next contender in the emperors Planet Barack Obama (and it was a lot of candidates up to the Bush family , the eldest of whom was awarded for services to the British crown the title " Sir ").
Beasts ... quivered
Wolves of fright
Eaten each other .
I mean - systemic opposition began to eat each other in the form of losses they incurred from the non-appearance of the electorate .
Well, and so on ...
Undoubtedly, as the kangaroo to us was a former CIA officer E. Snowden , who , by signing the oath , promised to the American people keep state "secrets" rastrezvonil around the world, the CIA and the FBI have overheard . As if the E. Snowden opened to all of us America, Russia and Europe in addition to their dastardly betrayal is not the CIA and the FBI , as his own people , because without wiretapping and surveillance criminals just let himself go , and then there will be no one to pass them . But E.Snouden in the eyes of a small portion of Americans and an even smaller part of the Russians ( scattered ) became a hero . And now he's sitting in his Sheremetyevo all blind " eyes open ", emphasize - blind . (!)
Scared ... hippos,
Whispered , "What are you saying !
Go -ka you out of here!
It would not be a blessing to us ! ... "
just all of a sudden
From distant fields of
Sparrow arrives .
Picked up and pecked Cockroach -
That's no giant.
Sparrow clear who - our "national" leader who stopped the third world and was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.
The rest of the entourage elections - whether network hamsters to rats began bickering. This battle is everywhere. And most importantly Poteshnoe weapons - the action will take away - capture and share !
At the same time all over the world there is a wave of popular and natural elimination of kings and gods who exploit their own people . Which once again emphasizes that energoiformatsionnaya component space strained to the limit , but in less than one country , the other is more , it all depends on finding the territory of a State . That is why the logic of the historical process of pushing the leaders of Russia and the United States of Putin and Obama led by the Rothschilds and other great birth to the creation of a One World Government. The elimination of unlimited power of individual " gods " and " kings ", disguised exploited their own people . There is a natural process that encourages nations to eliminate their own rulers, leading his country to nowhere. Of course, this process can not take place without the interference of some countries such as Russia and the United States , and of the smaller countries. But as we see the ongoing process continues and more and more gaining momentum. Change of government and regime change will continue as long as the planet does not reign Monotheism and the One World Government .
Today there is a process of change , not only among African countries , it is now gaining momentum and the Americas. In essence, it is clear that Obama is set to eliminate the beginning of Israel , who replaced the evil Russian empire , became a place of evil and violence and escalation of international conflicts. Then, according to his plan , the plan of energy- state space , which is run by the Creator , will the elimination of the United States. Beginning of their elimination was reached on 11 September , which was destroyed World Trade Center . Not far off and declaration of default in the United States . And while there is the elimination of the anti-people exploitative regimes of small states , on the ruins of which, as a man would not want to , it will create a single, open World Government .
That would then concern -
Over the moon to dive into the swamp
And the nails to nail heaven !
In the meantime, as the President of Russia in 2013, beat U.S. President Obama and collects in a number of international events line of nation-states. Line, but not its integrity , because today is another problem - World Government . Putin is not Stalin , but Stalin , and we do not need , like chants NBP and bog cocks.
October 3rd (yesterday) in Yekaterinburg was sparsely populated procession to the " Eternal Flame " with cries near the police department and the FSB " in Red ," " Do not forget. Do not forgive ! " As you can see , the fire under the cauldron of the bourgeois revolution in the oil needs of the civil war , and which prevents burning. There is a smoldering, which causes only a little nauseous stench and tranquility.
At the most, what they say about the President of the Russian Federation , so only that he skillfully and lovingly reworked this fall in the non-systemic opposition minced system manual opposition. Maybe it's right , you need to start the hard work and the rears , not really ! Do not rely on the same oligarchs who are terribly afraid of the World Government and American orders , because America is not so easy oligarchs. There, for non-payment of taxes sent to places not so remote , and they do not amnesties president declares the contrary, aggravates them life in prison . It turns out that the oligarchs Vladimir Putin in the way, so continuing for many years a terrible spectacle of bombings and subway stations, schools and theaters grabs , that is all that can be said to be a simulacrum is a hoax and imitation. This is the position 's best-seller " The rebels from the toilet ." Finely . Actually strengthened the nation-state , to elected . Vladimir Putin re not rule out coming to power in 2018 , of course, if by that time there will be more Russian . A distorted reflection of Vladimir Putin , which buzhiruyut politicians, political scientists and politicians in the masses , looks like a "monkey God "! And Vladimir Zhirinovsky , in this context , the day after the election tells us that will last for election in his 90 years , ie in 2036 , and think he will be a Russian in 2036 as an independent state and Do the people that inhabit it , Zhirinovsky and his ilk ? Apparently, the All-Russian entertainer Vova Zhirinovsky imagined that he bought a parliamentary seat for the rest of his life . But while he will be drawn to the peoples will continue to criticize klikushestvovat to " fit " the oligarchs , and in my lungs will scream that he is for Russian . The masses will excite and cause discontent Russian President Vladimir Putin , accusing him of betraying the international financial crime syndicate , for that is the goal pursued by the deputies of Russia 's oligarchs .
This is the case in all countries, from which more or less dependent on foreign policy , the policy of a world government .
But this is the first step on the road to global humanity. The second step is associated with the arrival of global capital and global players planetary chessboard to the expanses of Eurasia , Africa and other countries to start re-industrialization , the formation of a unified world religion and civilization beyond humanity. " Valdai speech" VV Putin marked a shift from the idea of ??sovereign democracy to the concept of the sovereign ideology.
The speech marked the beginning of a hidden contraction in relation to mainstream global trends shaping the global humanity. Only at first glance. In the end, the Russian president and his entourage , under duress oligarchs silent on the 20th anniversary of the events of 1993 , and the absence of Democrats , liberals , and other criminals at rallies 3-4 October 2013 revives the conditions for a split national dissent civil War , smoldering under the ashes of past suicidal for Russian and Eurasian twenty years .
It is a pity that the councilors and Vladimir Putin's inner circle so short-sighted , and , as time has shown , home-grown oligarchs and bankers are afraid to create a world government as the devil fears holy water , for its creation have them look like Carp in the river for pike !
October 5 EV Lemons sums up in the " sermon " - " That's the our foreign policy ":
"The West quarter-century Russian deceiving , as the village idiot .
Let us recall the mechanic from the Stavropol - Gorby . Uneducated man with a heavy accent zhlobskim , round eyes , he looked at the jackals of capitalism , Reagan and Thatcher. And went out of his to please them . He lured the entire block of East European communist states, captured East Germany reunited the two into one, because of what started the Balkan wars and the killing of Yugoslavia.
The people and the people of the eye is sharp, Gorby was nicknamed " Bullseye " for a spot on the skull . The people are just realized that Gorby - the mark of Cain , and what else - that the mark of Cain . People correctly on the basis of mystical intuitions , Gorby slapped his nickname.
Gorby was succeeded Yeltsin , who did not have enough fingers. The extent of his development was that guy in 15 years began to knock on the grenade hammer , resulting in lost two fingers. People called the president a stump - " Bespalyj ." Bespalyj alcoholic did the rest , " Bullseye " - propyl Soviet Union . Homegrown bourgeoisie made ??him their president , together with the bourgeoisie and for her, he made a bourgeois revolution in 1991 , and in 1993 he drowned in the blood of a no, but the country's parliament .
All the gains of the nation for years poltyschi were drunken one drunken night in the Bialowieza Forest.
From the Soviet Union remained cold Oil & Gas Russia .
President Putin has two first period was sunbathing and partying with foreign leaders . "
But in our opinion a truly Putin VV learned something only the fourteenth year of power. Rebuked Syria, actually prevent the onset of World War II. And like everything worked out or received . Not stood up for Yugoslavia , for Iraq, for Libya. Could have done well , because the rulers of these terrobedineny extremely negative attitude towards its citizens . This is the foreign policy of our country called Russia . Things are no better domestic policies .
Only years later it became clear that the West and Russia missed the last two decades two chances on the formation of the World Government and global governance. " Round eyes " " Bullseye " Gorby and drunkenness as the will to power " Bespaly " tore both historical chance! Now Putin , Obama , the Rothschilds have a third chance. What could it break ?
The first danger - correctly calculated in the spirit of Gandhi's strategy Limonov boycott of the elections (this in the next article ), and the second risk - Russia's reaction to any suggestions to make the Arctic area of international responsibility was " a threat of loss of sovereignty ." But taking off her head, her hair did not cry. Yeltsin's government already has given all kinds of sovereignty, leaving only the external signs of sovereignty of a banana republic . At the October 2013 Congress of "United Russia " in response to a question on the initiative of the Arctic VV Putin undertone against Professor School of Economics S. Medvedev said, " You idiot ! " And applause that the best parties of the country - apparently her " mind , honor and conscience" ... And rightly so ! This means that Russia will soon have to pass between Scylla and Charybdis Limonov Putin. They say that Russia is usually included in the future as in the narrow bottleneck , ie parts. The idea is that one part is attracted and repelled by one party , the other - the other. Both poles are necessary and both poles need each other. The result will be the transformation of the global chessboard socially oriented world order united humanity .
Indeed , it is no invasion of the aggressive aliens in accordance with the joke Reagan unite mankind . This will only general objectives of practical life and spiritual development ! This is the only way to create a world government that will bring emancipation of the peoples and the elimination of ruthless exploitation , removal of inequality and poverty , exclusion and inter-religious wars !
Nekrasov S.N., director of the Project and the Institute for Futures Studies phenomena , Ph.D.
Kikilyk P.I., head of the International Board of the Information Law and futurological agency , the writer - journalist